Correct Pushup Practices

How to perform

the perfect pushups

Let's talk about them

So the first thing most people ask is where should I put my hands, this is probably one of the least important parts of pushup execution. Heres 4 things to consider when setting up for a solid execution of this challenging body weight exercise

Body Position: Make sure the abdomen is tight, feet & knees together, if you find your lower back arching tilt the pelvis forward & squeeze the glutes.

Make sure not to cheat, concentrate on quality over quantity. Get the chest to ground & fully extend the arm at the top of the movement.

Make sure to keep spruce tension between the shoulder blades, when executing the pushup bring the shoulder blades together while concentrating on keeping them depressed & as you return to the start position have them separate.

So now let’s talk Arm position, make sure that 1st and foremost the arms are almost exactly below the shoulders when starting out. The distance between your arms will play a big part in what muscle group take priority, close together will mean more tricep accusation, the wider we go the more chest stretch & shoulder activation. Whatever you do keep the elbows from flaring wide, the closer the width the easier it is to keep the elbows tucked to the body.

I hope these tips help you in your quest for a better pushup!