Don't Be A Hamster On A Wheel

Enter the gym, Look around you, where are the people whose physique,shape & work ethic you admire most are situated?

Are these people the ones spending hours on end sweating it out on the treadmill or mindlessly dredging along on the treadmill? Chances wre you've just answered no in your head, so why then do we seem to just settle for this when we enter the gym?

Those whose work ethic we admire are probably gonna be in the free weights section on the gym deadlifting, squatting, bench pressing, curling or some other form of heavy work so why do you go straight to the nearest free treadmill?

Comfort! 99% of the time it's for an easy solution to the problem that is our lack of confidence! How do we remedy this? We get someone we know is competent and can show us how to push past that wall of bikes, rowers & elliptical machines.

Ask questions, learn & reap the reward of chasing your goal physique, sooner & with a great deal more conviction. Don't get stuck in that comfort zone!
He who asks a question is a fool for 5 minutes, he who never asks is a fool forever - Chinese Proverb