Welcome Back!

We’re back in action bigger & better than before at Don Maguire Fitness & words can’t express how happy we are to be able to welcome you all back too. These times have been very testing for many of us & to some the gym was that outlet that they needed, so I am extremely glad I can help to provide you all with this service with only minor, easy implemented changes to the Pre COVID-19 rules.

  1. Hand & Equipment Sanitizing
    We have to make your health a priority & that is just what we will do as always so now we will be doing more cleaning rounds daily, sanitizing all machines multiple times per day, you can help us with this also by using the hand sanitizer provided, cleaning down any equipment used after use (and before if desired) & even requesting some disposable gloves if you feel the need.

  2. Booking system
    We are very fortunate to be in a position to partner up with LegitFit to bring you a top quality, simple to use & very detailed booking system where you can book your sessions, pay your membershipss, check your end date, & even message your provider (Me) directly.

  3. Limited Numbers
    We now have a limited number allowed in the gym at any one time, this has been imposed by ourselves & is subject to increase, so be aware that to avoid missing out on an alloted time slot you should book well in advance & likewise if you cannot make the session we advise you to cancel to free the spot up for someone else & you can rescedule.

  4. Social Distancing
    This is a measure that seems to be in it for the long haul so we ask you to please stay atleast 2 metres apart from the next person unless they are already a part of your household or someone who you spend a lot of time with outside the gym. This is so we can be sure to keep fighting the possibility of a spread of COVID-19 cases in the gym.

All of the above measures have been put in place so we can keep everyone fit & healthy while enjoying the freedom of seeing a somewhat normal society again. We’ve made some upgrades to our facility too, adding new equipment & laying out the machines in am each muscle group fashion. With correct social distancing in mind. We’re sure you will love our new gym so here’s a few images in case you haven’t already been tempted to visit.

Don Maguire